Saying goodbye to local TV news
Posted On January 9, 2018
The percentage of people getting their news from TV, radio, and print continues to decline. Meanwhile, people are increasingly getting their news online.
That’s according to a Pew Research Center study. The annual survey is always great reading to boost morale of those online publishers. Get the full report here.
What’s stands out to me is the trend that fewer older TV viewers (50+ in age) are getting their news from TV. Instead, this older population is fueling the growth in mobile news.
I predict 2018 will be the tipping point where more people get their news on a digital screen than any other source. Not a bold prediction really.
A few other top-level observations …
- Two-thirds of Americans get some of their news on social media.
- More than half of Americans older than 50 get news on social media.
- Twitter, YouTube, and Snapchat made big gains on delivering news. Others were flat.
- People are increasingly likely to get news from multiple social platforms.
There are a few other takes on it if interested from Poynter.