Genealogy site gets redesign and shopping portal
The Meriwether Society, Inc. is a genealogical society formed to track the descendants of Nicholas Meriwether I in the United States. It was formed in the early-1980s and launched its first website in the late 1990s. Since then, the site had infrequent fresh content, a very dated look, and wasn’t mobile-friendly.
The society had several goals: update the look to appeal to potential new members, organize the content for future expansion, revamp the shopping experience, and enable members to self-publish articles.
Tight Lines Digital blended the heritage of the long-standing site into a modern WordPress site that’s easily updated, mobile-friendly, and allows people to purchase memberships and assorted merchandise.
While the previous site did have the ability to purchase memberships through PayPal, it was cumbersome. Plus, none of the books, DVDs, or logo merchandise could be ordered online. Tight Lines Digital provided a full online shopping experience to solve these problems.
The society also wanted to update news items on a regular basis so Tight Lines Digital created the site to feature new posts and train select members how to update the site.