Making the most of matching dollars for a non-profit fundraiser
Trout Unlimited annually awards Embrace-A-Stream grants to select local TU chapters. In 2021, Schrems West Michigan Trout Unlimited was fortunate to win a $2,100 grant to go toward work on the Coldwater River. Additionally, the chapter had an opportunity to earn additional dollars through a six-day fundraising campaign.
Tight Lines Digital stepped in to create the fundraising page, author an email marketing campaign, and promote through social media. With a campaign window of just 6 days, all items had to be coordinated closely. Not only was the Chapter working to get donations from its community, it was also competing against our local TU chapters for prize money from national TU and Orvis.
Through these efforts, 42 people donated a total of $4,700. On top of that, the chapter earned and additional $2,000 in matches and prize money. That’s $6,700 raised in 6 days through the online campaign!